Earn 110% Return on investment monthly with Strategy5000.com

What is Strategy5000 ?

Strategy5000 is an automated platform developed by highly experienced Forex traders with more than 10 years of experience in LIVE FOREX trading across all major currency pairs. Although it is an automated platform, it is monitored by experts 24/7. This makes it almost error-free. This platform is designed to gain up to 100% per month of your investment depending upon the market conditions.

How does it work?

To use this world-class platform, you only need to open a forex account with a reputed forex broker, transfer your funds to your account, and apply this strategy to your account. That’s it. You don’t have to worry about anything else. Now with our complex rules and regulations at present Skilling is the only broker who allows you to use this platform without missing any trade. Skilling also allows you to directly transfer and withdraw funds from your bank account to your broker account. (The account holder’s name and bank account should be the same.) This is important not to miss a trade because missing a trade means missing profit. To open an account please proceed with the following link and we will help you to complete your KYC with Skilling and enabling Strategy5000 to your account.



What is the Minimum investment needed?

To be able to use this platform successfully we have kept initial investment as low as possible to only USD 200. (This is an initial offer that may increase as we move ahead)

Is it safe to use Strategy5000?

This platform is structured to provide maximum security to capital investment. To date, we have not faced any losses which you can check on our strategy account. At the same time, forex investments are subject to market risks. A little risk is worth making huge money.

Is Strategy5000 a broker ?

No. Strategy5000 is an automated trading strategy that can be used with broker Skilling.

Is Strategy5000 safe to use?

The strategy has proven to be safe and stable. We have been using this strategy for over 10 years.

Can I contact Strategy5000 representatives for more information and support?

Yes, you can! You can register on our website and we will contact you or text us on Telegram @allmoneytalks

Is Skilling a safe broker?

Skilling is a globally regulated broker. The broker is rated as the best broker in Europe, India, South America and Africa. Rated excellent by over 23,000 people.

How much money can I make with Strategy 5000 ?

The strategy has one goal: to double your money every month. In order to know how much you will make each month, consider how much you plan to invest. The calculations are easy.

How often can I withdraw?

You can withdraw every day if you want. You are not tied to a contract. You are allowed to withdraw every day. The only requirement is to have the minimum investment in the account in order for Strategy5000 to keep generating profits on your account.

How can I start?

Easy. Just register your account with Skilling and contact us and we will guide you. Or you can directly register on our website and we will set up the account for you.


Vikram Damle

Official Representative for Strategy5000 India

Mr. Damle is an investor and a representative for Strategy5000 India.

Feel free to contact Mr. Damle on his personal email: damlevikram2016@gmail.com